Paul Feeley's 1965 "Formal Haut" will be on display at the Deutche Guggenheim in one of their special exhibitions "Colorfields" from October 21st 2010 - January 16, 2011. This piece will also be printed in their exhibition catalog.
Feeley's sculpture court was promenantly displayed at Feeley's retrospective at the Guggenhem in 1968.. These photographs were taken by Bob Gomel and truly showcase how gorgeous this installation really was!
You Have Been Here Sometime Before is the Los Angeles based blog of David John, a student of interior architecture at UCLA. His blog is a great source of inspiration for all things design, art, architecture and furniture related.
Paul Feeley: (1910-1966) Artist and head of the Bennington College Art Department during the 1950s and early 1960s. Paul Feeley was an instrumental figure in the rise of Bennington, Vermont as a cultural outpost for the New York art world.